The sumo match with Miyo changed Maki in an unexpected way. With the help of a wrestler and a samurai, Maki reaches even greater heights and effortlessly turns the tide of battle back against Naoye.
Noritoshi and Daido note Maki’s intense change despite such a short time in the domain. Time passes faster in Miya’s barrier as she forgoes any binding bows. A thousand sumo matches took less than one minute outside the barrier.
Naoya doesn’t care about Maki’s change and flies off to gain speed for another direct attack. Miyo and Daido prepare to fight and Noritoshi questions who they are and why they are helping. They claim that they are individuals who do whatever they want and their identity is of little importance. Maki overtakes them and chases Noaya, who is frustrated that she can’t completely outrun her.
Maki and Naoya zoom in on the city and Maki is able to predict how Naoya will move because she can see everything around her. Maki now knows that she is able to see something that only “that person” could see in front of her. He believes that he could destroy Naoya’s cursed womb and would withstand his attack at full speed.
Naoya tries to tackle Maki in the air, but easily dodges it and confuses him. It can use differences in temperature and air density as a diffuse surface to move without a fixed base. Maki punches Naoya to the ground and he taunts her by challenging her to keep beating him without the cursed energy. Suddenly, Miyo hits Naoyi’s head and Daido cuts him in half with another powerful chop. Maki kicks off the upper half of Naoya’s body before she can recover. An angry Naoya repeats that it’s not possible, and he grows increasingly frustrated as Maki continues to resemble Toji.
Driven by his hatred and rejection, Naoya manifests her human form from a cursed spirit body. His hands appear from the lower half of his body and pull out a replica of his human upper half. He declares again that the one standing with Satoru and Toji is himself and casts the domain expansion.