By eliminating Dhruva Lakdawalla and Kurourushi Yuto, she completely broke the stalemate in the Sendai colony. Takako Uro moves and launches a technique that controls the sky. Analyzing his attacks, Yuta also struggles to understand why someone as strong as Takako would engage in such a desperate battle.
Yuta is blown back by a large pressure wave created by Ura’s Cursed Technique. He minimizes the damage and wonders how exactly she caused so much destruction. Uro follows her attack with a punch, which Yuta is able to dodge and counter with a punch of his own. Uro warps the space around Yuta’s arm, warping her shape. Yuta is surprised and confused by his warped pendant when Uro knocks him back with another attack. His arm returns to normal without any damage, leading Yutu to assume that Ur’s cursed technique is manipulating space without actually crushing anything in it, much like a lens creates a distortion.
Uro reveals her ability, revealing that her cursed technique treats the sky as a surface. To give an example, Uro physically grasps an open space, makes it tangible, and pulls it in front of him as if it were a cloth. Both of her attacks on Yuta bypassed his defenses and sent him flying. She figures there must be some trick to her powers if surfaces are able to do this. Uro waits for her opponent to attack so she can counter with her technique, but instead Yuta asks her something.
Knowing that Uro wouldn’t complain if she was killed, Yuta questions why he seeks conflict. He understands that helpless people are desperate, but that doesn’t concern Ura because she is a strong fighter who can score points whenever she wants. Uro explains that he doesn’t take regaining a new body lightly, as the incarnated wizards have essentially returned from the underworld. It feels like someone who doesn’t engage in the Culling Game without remorse. As the first step in her new life, Uro prioritizes points and therefore attacks. Still confused, Yuta questions if Uro has lovers or companions he fights for. He just can’t understand why anyone would spend time killing people thousands of years later, even if he regrets it. Uro grows increasingly irritated as Yuta continues to speak and she goes on her way as he questions how she could be so desperate for her own selfish gain. Angry, Uro questions if Yutas is a descendant of the Fujiwara clan, stating that someone of his blood would never understand her.
Ryu interrupts the conversation by using Granite Blast to fire a massive wave of cursed energy at both players. Ryu attacks from a nearby rooftop, claiming that Yuta and Uro’s flirting is making him hungry for battle. Yuta survives the impact and is surprised by the wide range of Ryu’s attack. Meanwhile, Uro decided that they had no reason to let Ryu go now that the colony’s stalemate had been broken. Yuta and Uro simultaneously decide it’s time to take Ryu out.
Yuta rushes right at Ryu, an exciting long-range fighter who responds with a volley of cursed energy beams. Yuta is narrowly able to dodge the initial fire with his agility, but the second wave of attacks seems to throw him off guard. Ryu seems to have taken a direct hit and wonders if Yuta is going to let him down. However, the smoke clears and Ryu notices that Yuta is gone. Suddenly, Yuta makes it to the roof to confront Ryu directly, causing him to realize that Yuta used the hole Rika made in the bridge to avoid the beams and disappear from view.
After successfully closing the distance between them, Yuta attacks Ryu directly. He declares that it’s time to bring the melee while Ryu manages to block his strike. Ryu, amused by Yuta’s display of skill, asks if close combat will satisfy his hunger.