Hakari brings Kashimo to his domain where he is even more likely to hit the jackpot than last time. Kashimo enjoys the challenge and decides to try to defeat someone who is truly immortal. 400 years ago, when Kashimo was linked with Kenjaku, he agreed to enter the Culling Game to challenge the most outstanding fighter to ever exist, Sukuna.
The Idle Death Gamble feature is the secure transmission of information to the target. The trade-off is that the activation of the cursed technique is fast, even faster than Mahito’s all-or-nothing domain expansion by 0.2 seconds during the Shibuya incident. The domain familiarizes Kashimo with its rules even faster than he could give up using the Hollow Wicker Basket for his own protection. With this newfound information, Kashimo realizes that Hakari gained unlimited cursed energy from winning the jackpot when he expanded his domain earlier. He is also aware that by lining up three odd symbols, Hakari will have a higher probability this round and will likely win another jackpot.
Kashimo relishes the challenge and praises Hakari for doing well so far. Hakari asks Kashima how he is doing and he dismisses the taunt as his opponent is no longer in an indestructible state. Hakari counters by stating that gambling life always comes with risk, and Kashimo wonders if his opponent can maintain the same mindset when he’s dead. Kashimo launches his attack and overwhelms Hakari with a powerful combination of punches, knocking him unconscious. However, Hakari will use a cascading effect to replay the sequence and return all damage. Normally using a consecutive effect as an indicator carries a high risk of failure, so Hakari only uses it in increased probability mode. Kashimo quickly defeats Hakari again, only to replay the sequence a second time.
Hakari goes into riichi mode and enters an emergency potty scenario where the character “Hiro” must get to Yurigoaka Station without getting wet. The two fighters engage in pachinko antics until Hiro successfully reaches his goal, resulting in a jackpot from drawing three sixes in a row. The domain fades and Hakari emphatically calls out for the music to start, activating his indestructible mode where he has unlimited cursed energy and a fully automatic reverse cursed technique. Hakari hit the jackpot with three even numbers this time, so the next round will not include increased odds. Kashimo knows that if he can make it through the next four minutes and eleven seconds, he can win when Hakari is killable. However, to Kashimo, that’s what a loser would think. Instead, Kashimo ignites his electrified cursed energy and challenges himself to kill the unkilled.
Four hundred years ago, Kenjaku found the elderly Kashima after a battle with other warriors. The field was laced with the dismembered bodies of his enemies, but he did not enjoy fighting. Kenjaku told him about Ryu Ishigori, who displayed the highest output of cursed energy ever, but Kashimo considered it doubtful because Ryu was too far away. Instead, he asked Kenjak who was the strongest wizard he knew. Kenjaku was convinced that Sukuna was the strongest, and this convinced Kashimo to accept his terms. He agreed to become a cursed object to eventually incarnate for the Culling Game to get a chance to fight Sukuna.